I need tips for creating good fog/clouds in Reality Composer Pro!

Hey, I need help achieving realistic fog and clouds for immersive spaces. Making 3D planes with transparent fog/cloud textures work, but they create issues when there are a lot of them overlapping each other. Also I can't get a good result with particles either.

Thanks in advance!

The Diorama Code Sample from WWDC 2023 is an excellent place to start when trying to create realistic fog and clouds. In the code sample there is a Reality Composer Pro project that can be opened. This project contains a USD file named "Cloud_Chunk.usda" which has a ParticleEmitter that can be clicked on and then inspected in the right components tab. I recommend clicking play on the component and then adjusting its values, and seeing how the cloud chunk changes. For example, under Particles, the Birth Rate value can be adjusted lower to give the cloud a less dense appearance and adjusted higher to give it a more dense appearance. In another USD, this cloud chunk can be referenced multiple times and then moved around in the editor. This can be seen in "Cloud_A.usda," which can be navigated to in the project browser within Reality Composer Pro. Hopefully this helps, and feel free to follow-up in this thread.

I need tips for creating good fog/clouds in Reality Composer Pro!