How to handle “Try Again” alert in biometrics UI testing?

I’m writing UI tests for biometrics in iOS. For a failing case, I encounter an alert that needs to be dismissed by the user. How can I tap a button in this alert? XCTest has the addUIInterruptionMonitor method ( Is this what I need? If so, what description should I use? Or do I need some other functionality? For Touch ID, I can simply simulate a failure twice, and the alert will be dismissed. However, for Face ID and Optic ID, this approach is not suitable—the alert buttons need to be tapped. Additionally, there is an old method to handle the alert using the Springboard app (with the bundle ID “”). However, this only works for iOS and iPadOS, while VisionOS does not have this bundle ID.

How to handle “Try Again” alert in biometrics UI testing?