Private key is not installed in your keychain error

App.xcodeproj: error: Revoke certificate: Your account already has an Apple Development signing certificate for this machine, but its private key is not installed in your keychain.

App.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "T....." with a private key was found.

From the above error during build, I do not know what I am supposed to do to fix this issue. The build was working few days back and today it is giving this error.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 795789022

Thank you for reaching out to in the forums.

Looking at your errors, you may don’t have the private key set up correctly on your development machine, also that caught my attention was the signing identity error no iOS Development where it seems like no team is selected signing the project seems incorrect on the output provided.

Here are some potential solutions to the error message you're encountering while building your Xcode project:

1. Private Key Installation: The error suggests that an Apple Development signing certificate for your machine exists, but its private key is missing in your keychain. To resolve this:

  • Open the Keychain Access application on your Mac.
  • Go to Preferences > Certificate Assistance > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
  • Select your Apple ID and follow the prompts to create a new signing certificate. Make sure to use your email and other details associated with your developer account.
    • Important: When you create the certificate, ensure you save it in the default keychain.
  • Once the certificate is generated, it should appear in the Keychain Access window. Double-click it to check if it has a corresponding private key.

2. Select the Correct Signing Identity and Certificate:

  • Open your Xcode project: app.xcodeproj
  • Navigate to General > Signing Identity.
  • Ensure that the correct "iOS Development" signing certificate matching your project's provisioning profile is selected in both release and debug configurations.
    • If the certificate doesn't appear, try scanning the Team Library using the plus (+) button and select your developer team from the list.
  • Xcode should automatically find the matching certificate and private key pair if you've followed the steps above.

3. Provisioning Profile Refresh: Sometimes, a provisioning profile can become invalid or outdated. Try refreshing it in Xcode:

  • Go to General > Having trouble signing in? > Refresh Provisioning Profiles
  • Xbox will show you a list of available provisioning profiles, select the ones associated with your project app, and click “Download.

4. Renew or Create a new signing certificate (if expired):

  • Go to the Apple Developer website and sign in.
  • Navigate to "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles," then to "Identifiers."
  • Select your app identifier (e.g., com.yourcompany.yourappname) from the list.
  • In the ID Details pane, click on the "+" button to create a new certificate.
  • Follow the instructions to create an iOS Distribution certificate. This will generate a new certificate and private key pair associated with your account.
  • Download the new certificate and follow the above steps to add it to your Keychain.

5. Clean and Build Project: A clean build can resolve the issue.

  • Go to Product in the Xcode menu
  • Select "Clean and Build"

6. Reset Xcode Settings:

  • Go to Xcode app settings
  • Reset Xcode settings to "Defaults" as a last resort. This will delete all derived data, configurations, and settings.

7. Use a Different Mac: If manual checks and steps here haven't worked, try building the project from a different Mac that has the same signing certificate and private key pair installed properly in the keychain recursively.

8. Check Team Membership: If you are part of a development team, ensure that you are following the correct signing identity and certificate relevant to your role within the team.

  1. Ensure you have a private key pair
  • Delete any old certificate and private key pair from your keychain.
  • Genarate a new one following step1.

One of these steps should resolve the issue for you. If none of these work, there might be a more complex problem with your Xcode project settings or infrastructure. I would recommend to also read this Tech Note about code signing:

Xcode signing documentation:

Hope this helps.

Thank you for reaching out to in the forums.

Looking at your errors, you may don’t have the private key set up correctly on your development machine, also that caught my attention was the signing identity error no iOS Development where it seems like no team is selected signing the project seems incorrect on the output provided.

Here are some potential solutions to the error message you're encountering while building your Xcode project:

1. Private Key Installation: The error suggests that an Apple Development signing certificate for your machine exists, but its private key is missing in your keychain. To resolve this:

  • Open the Keychain Access application on your Mac.
  • Go to Preferences > Certificate Assistance > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
  • Select your Apple ID and follow the prompts to create a new signing certificate. Make sure to use your email and other details associated with your developer account.
    • Important: When you create the certificate, ensure you save it in the default keychain.
  • Once the certificate is generated, it should appear in the Keychain Access window. Double-click it to check if it has a corresponding private key.

2. Select the Correct Signing Identity and Certificate:

  • Open your Xcode project: app.xcodeproj
  • Navigate to General > Signing Identity.
  • Ensure that the correct "iOS Development" signing certificate matching your project's provisioning profile is selected in both release and debug configurations.
    • If the certificate doesn't appear, try scanning the Team Library using the plus (+) button and select your developer team from the list.
  • Xcode should automatically find the matching certificate and private key pair if you've followed the steps above.

3. Provisioning Profile Refresh: Sometimes, a provisioning profile can become invalid or outdated. Try refreshing it in Xcode:

  • Go to General > Having trouble signing in? > Refresh Provisioning Profiles
  • Xbox will show you a list of available provisioning profiles, select the ones associated with your project app, and click “Download.

4. Renew or Create a new signing certificate (if expired):

  • Go to the Apple Developer website and sign in.
  • Navigate to "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles," then to "Identifiers."
  • Select your app identifier (e.g., com.yourcompany.yourappname) from the list.
  • In the ID Details pane, click on the "+" button to create a new certificate.
  • Follow the instructions to create an iOS Distribution certificate. This will generate a new certificate and private key pair associated with your account.
  • Download the new certificate and follow the above steps to add it to your Keychain.

5. Clean and Build Project: A clean build can resolve the issue.

  • Go to Product in the Xcode menu
  • Select "Clean and Build"

6. Reset Xcode Settings:

  • Go to Xcode app settings
  • Reset Xcode settings to "Defaults" as a last resort. This will delete all derived data, configurations, and settings.

7. Use a Different Mac: If manual checks and steps here haven't worked, try building the project from a different Mac that has the same signing certificate and private key pair installed properly in the keychain recursively.

8. Check Team Membership: If you are part of a development team, ensure that you are following the correct signing identity and certificate relevant to your role within the team.

  1. Ensure you have a private key pair
  • Delete any old certificate and private key pair from your keychain.
  • Genarate a new one following step1.

One of these steps should resolve the issue for you. If none of these work, there might be a more complex problem with your Xcode project settings or infrastructure. I would recommend to also read this Tech Note about code signing:

Xcode signing documentation:

Hope this helps.

Private key is not installed in your keychain error