Xcode Instruments selects wrong application when started from Xcode


I see the Instruments app has gotten a nice upgrade for Xcode 16. There is one issue left that has been bothering me though.

If my app is installed inside the "Application" folder, and I then try to launch Instruments for a new build of the same app from within XCode, Instruments will run the app installed in "Applications" instead of running the app I just built.

The problem with this, is that it's very easy to accidentally profile an old version of your app, and come to the wrong conclusions.

I've created a video showing this issue: https://youtu.be/IloFsQQFgSw

Answered by DTS Engineer in 795810022

Thank you for reaching out to the forums.

It seems like a Instruments on the Xcode 16 beta is selecting the wrong app to profile, based on your video. Please submit a complete bug report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com). For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting.

Please reply to this post with the Feedback ID number for the bug report you filed. We can then associate it with this incident and ensure the bug report is routed to the proper engineering group.

Be sure to test on the most recent version of the OS available, including beta/seed releases if available. Include the results of your testing in the bug report. Before upgrading a device to a beta, be sure to make a backup first because restoring it to the current release requires erasing the device first.

By filing a bug report, you’ll be able to track the issue, update Apple Engineering with additional information, learn if the issue is already known, and get notified of problem resolution. Apple’s intent is to be well-informed about issues which have adverse effect on our developer community and customer base.

The current status of your Feedback can be viewed in Feedback Assistant under Resolution. Here you can track if the report is still being investigated, has a potential identified fix, or has been resolved in another way. For more details on Feedback Status, please see “Understanding the Status of Your Feedback” linked here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/status.

Thank you for reaching out to the forums.

It seems like a Instruments on the Xcode 16 beta is selecting the wrong app to profile, based on your video. Please submit a complete bug report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com). For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting.

Please reply to this post with the Feedback ID number for the bug report you filed. We can then associate it with this incident and ensure the bug report is routed to the proper engineering group.

Be sure to test on the most recent version of the OS available, including beta/seed releases if available. Include the results of your testing in the bug report. Before upgrading a device to a beta, be sure to make a backup first because restoring it to the current release requires erasing the device first.

By filing a bug report, you’ll be able to track the issue, update Apple Engineering with additional information, learn if the issue is already known, and get notified of problem resolution. Apple’s intent is to be well-informed about issues which have adverse effect on our developer community and customer base.

The current status of your Feedback can be viewed in Feedback Assistant under Resolution. Here you can track if the report is still being investigated, has a potential identified fix, or has been resolved in another way. For more details on Feedback Status, please see “Understanding the Status of Your Feedback” linked here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/status.

Xcode Instruments selects wrong application when started from Xcode