Xcode 16 Beta3 Build Error:Did not find header '***.h'

Error message: Could not build module or Did not find header '***.h'

my project build setting CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES

build error when module header has method like:

- (void)subTaskWithName:(NSString*)name module:(NSString *)module;

module has been recognized as a keyword. and if I delete this method, it build succeed

Xcode recognizing module as an unexpected keyword is an issue we're aware of (FB13828950) and investigating, but we're not aware of any recommended workaround so far. If you find something that helps you avoid the issue, please share it with the community by posting it here.

Even though we're aware of this issue, we still encourage you to open a bug report, and post the FB number here once you do. The specific info you include your bug report might help our investigation, as well as allows you to get notified when it is resolved. Bug Reporting: How and Why? explains how you can open a bug report.

Xcode 16 Beta3 Build Error:Did not find header '***.h'