App review rejected

I built the app using Capacitor. Users will need to subscribe to a monthly plan before using the app.

So when they log-in, they will see the pricing page. The payment is done using Capacitor in-app browser via Stripe elements.

Our team sees this as in-app purchase, but Apple review team said this is not and rejected our version update.

Rewriting the app with Swift is a no-go now.

Anyone have any ideas what to do? Anyone had experience getting their app review passed using Stripe capacitor?

Here's a video of the flow:

You aren't actually using In-App Purchases. You're directing the user to a completely separate payment system outside of the App and outside of the App Store. That's why it was rejected.

It's one of the rules of the App Store.

If you can't use an actual In-App Purchase via Capacitor (whatever that is), then you can't launch this app.

What you need to use is described here: In-App Purchase.

Now there’s very little Capacitor discussion on this forum, but a quick search did turn up this which may help you get started:

App review rejected