MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain error 6

I have a user who is reporting an error and has been kind enough to share screen recordings to help diagnose. I am not experiencing this error, nor am I able to replicate on other devices I've tried, so I'm stuck trying to fix. His & other devices tested were all running iOS 17.5.1. Any details on the cause of this error or potential workarounds I could use to resolve would be greatly appreciated.

try await


The operation couldn't be completed (MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain error 6.)

MusicAuthorization.currentStatus is .authorized ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.isPreparedToPlay is false ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue.currentEntry is nil (I've noticed this to be the case even when I am able to successfully play as well)

Queue was loaded using ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = [album] but I also tried ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(album:startingAt:) and it made no difference. album.playParameters are correct. He experiences the error when attempting to play any album.

Any and all help is truly appreciated. Feedback Assistant filed has gone unanswered.

MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain error 6