Server error on attempting to download sales reports endpoint returns error stating "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at" for the past two days.

We have the same issue.

It has been occuring for us as well for since 2024-07-19.


This for me:

$ java -jar Reporter.jar Sales.getStatus

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Message>Sales and Trends Reporter is currently available.</Message>

Last valid reports received were for 19th July.

We have same issue in here

java -jar Reporter.jar Sales.getReport xxxxxxx

"Report is unexpectedly not available. Try again later."

Last valid reports received were for 20th July.

The problem is still unresolved.

Experiencing the same issue last days:

    <Message>Report is unexpectedly not available. Try again later.</Message>

Contacted with Apple Support, no replies yet.

We too

same here

Faced the same problem that seems to have been going on since July 18.


{ "status": "500", "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "title": "An unexpected error occurred.", "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at" }

We're experiencing the same issue, it started on 2024-07-19.

Same issue. No sales reports since 18th July, 2024. The error message I get is:

"The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error."

We're experiencing the same issue. A "unexpected error please contact" message from both the API and from the Appstore dashboard.

The last successful report we received was on 18th July.

Same issue here. And impossible to manually download reports from the web UI as well.

same problem.

same here , fails via api and also when trying to download via app store connect manually.

We are experiencing the same error. We are unable to download the DATA

This is the second time this endpoint has broken in roughly the past month or two.

Hello, thank you for reporting this issue. We are aware of an issue impacting the availability of Sales and Trends reports through App Store Connect, the App Store Connect API, and Reporter. We've updated the Apple Developer System Status to note this issue. We'll update the page once the issue is resolved.

same here

We are able to fetch the reports now

Same here. Additionaly I have random 500 while fetching apps, app versions and app reviews today :/

still offline

18th-20th of July are still missing for us.

Looks like it's back

See you all next month when it breaks again.

Server error on attempting to download sales reports