my app ScreenFloat can capture screenshots and record the screen (along with system- and microphone audio). It does this in an XPC service.
On macOS Sequoia b1-3, recording does not work anymore (although permissions are granted to the app in System Preferences > Privacy & Security). Instead, I keep getting an error that my XPC service can access this computer's screen and audio. (of course, that's the point!)
First of all, the screen is locked when the warning appears, clicks anywhere on the screen are not recognized. I have to hit Escape (or wait about a minute, at which point it resolves itself), to be able to click anywhere. Clicking on Continue To Allow doesn't do anything, either. The warning just re-appears every time.
Do I need to add a new entitlement to my main app or the XPC service, or any new NSUsage strings to the InfoPlist.strings?
How can I resolve this?
Thank you,
- Matthias
I’m linking to this thread for context.
That wouldn’t surprise me. As I’ve been saying on your other thread, the path forward here is ScreenCaptureKit.
If you (just for testing) adopt ScreenCaptureKit in your XPC service, do you still see a difference between macOS 14 and 15 beta? If so, that’s definitely bugworthy. And in that case I recommend that you file a new bug, making sure to indicate that you’re using ScreenCaptureKit and that you’ve confirmed that the bug is present in beta 3.
OTOH, if you’re only seeing this with your current code that relies on the screencapture
, I don’t have a great path forward for you.
You can, but you have to work around a DevForums bug (r. 129474377). When you hit the quote button, you get text like this:
[quote='796438022, …']
can't quote the same post twice
If you remove the blank lines above and below the text you’re quoting, you can then use multiple quotes just fine.
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