IPA publication errors to App Store Connect

Hello! Need help! We face errors during the app processing on the last step of app publication to App Store Connect.

Our situation: we receive unsigned .xcarchive file from our partners, which should be signed, transformed into ipa and submitted to App Store, but we don`t have code access, therefore the whole process is made using terminal and transporter app.

The error we face is connected with SwiftSupport folder. The first error was about the missing SwiftSupport folder. So we added this folder alongside Payload folder inside IPA file. Our SwiftSupport folder includes all the .dylib files of iphoneos, copied from the latest Xcode version. Later we receive error which says that the .dylib files should be located in /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks. i moved all the .dylib files into /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks. Another error says that SwiftSupport folder shouldn't be empty. I located the .dylib files in both /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks and SwiftSupport/iphoneos folders, but the errors didn`t stop: "the .dylib files aren’t at the expected location /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks. Move the files to the expected location, rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it".. But such files are already located there!!! I found myself in vicious circle. Please advise how to fix such errors to publish the signed ipa at last?

Thanks in advance.

IPA publication errors to App Store Connect