In-App Purchase works in TestFlight but not after Distribution

Good Day, This is my first app with In-App Purchase (IAP) for three simple consumable products. Ad For 1 Month, 2 Months and 3 Months. It works fine in Xcode and in TestFlight. App was approved and was automatically placed in App Store for distribution on July 25 morning. App publishes user's first ad free, by-passing StoreKit. but 2nd Ad onwards goes thru IAP. App works fine except screen with 3 consumable products/prices is not being displayed. Means IAP is not available in the distributed App whereas it all works fine in TestFlight.

I googled, checked documents, asked chatGPT and submitted a question to Support (waiting for response).

I don't know what I am missing. I read that it takes a day or two for IAP to work in App Store. Will appreciate any help.


This may sound obvious, but have you ensured your IAPs are approved and 'available for sale'?

In-App Purchase works in TestFlight but not after Distribution