Record Entire Phone Screen Functionality IOS Xcode 15.4

Hi guys.

I am currently working on an App where one of the functionalities is a screen recording function. The function should record the ENTIRE phone screen and be able to upload it to a Firestore database. I am currently having issues with the screen recording. I used the ReplayKit package and I am able to screen record just the screen of the App and not the entire phone screen. Essentially, the screen recording function should allow a user to record other apps screens that the user goes to for about 30 seconds. I am unable to figure out how to record the entire screen. Does anybody know way (package, API, or process) for me to achieve such functionality.

Thank you in advance, Hanav Modasiya

You'll need to implement Broadcast extension with RPBroadcastSampleHandler subclass.

Record Entire Phone Screen Functionality IOS Xcode 15.4