Hello, I try to invite a friend to play my app , however when the friend try to press invite link component via iMessage, it shows “Retrieving” and then disappear, nothing happens, it doesn't redirect to my app, what I'm missing? or doing wrong I can leave some part of my code
import Foundation
import GameKit
extension RealTimeGame: GKLocalPlayerListener {
/// Handles when the local player sends requests to start a match with other players.
func player(_ player: GKPlayer, didRequestMatchWithRecipients recipientPlayers: [GKPlayer]) {
print("\n\nSending invites to other players.")
/// Presents the matchmaker interface when the local player accepts an invitation from another player.
func player(_ player: GKPlayer, didAccept invite: GKInvite) {
// Present the matchmaker view controller in the invitation state.
if let viewController = GKMatchmakerViewController(invite: invite) {
viewController.matchmakerDelegate = self
rootViewController?.present(viewController, animated: true) { }
also I don't have "<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key>"
in my info.plist, I don't know I need that or not...