Code=9 "Could not build inference plan - ANECF error: failed to load ANE model file:///System/Library/Frameworks/ Vision.framework/anodv4_drop6_fp16.H14G.espresso.hwx
Code rise this error:
func imageToHeadBox(image: CVPixelBuffer) async throws -> [CGRect] {
let request:DetectFaceRectanglesRequest = DetectFaceRectanglesRequest()
let faceResult:[FaceObservation] = try await request.perform(on: image)
let faceBoxs:[CGRect] = { face in
let faceBoundingBox:CGRect = face.boundingBox.cgRect
return faceBoundingBox
return faceBoxs
Hello @Shengjiang,
Vision framework makes use of the Apple Neural Engine when it can, however, on visionOS your app must have the entitlement to be able to use the Apple Neural Engine.
If you do not have that entitlement, or are unable to get it, you can restrict the compute devices that your DetectFaceRectanglesRequest uses with the setComputeDevice(_:for:) method.
Best regards,