I'm trying to play an animation with a toggle button. When the button is toggled the animation either plays forward from the first frame (.speed = 1) OR plays backward from the last frame (.speed = -1), so if the button is toggled when the animation is only halfway through, it 'jumps' to the first or last frame. The animation is 120 frames, and I want the position in playback to be preserved when the button is toggled - so the animation reverses or continues forward from whatever frame the animation was currently on.
Any tips on implementation? Thanks!
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent
struct ModelView: View {
var isPlaying: Bool
@State private var scene: Entity? = nil
@State private var unboxAnimationResource: AnimationResource? = nil
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
// Specify the name of the Entity you want
scene = try? await Entity(named: "TestAsset", in: realityKitContentBundle)
scene!.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true)
} .installGestures()
.onChange(of: isPlaying) {
if (isPlaying){
var playerDefinition = scene!.availableAnimations[0].definition
playerDefinition.speed = 1
playerDefinition.repeatMode = .none
playerDefinition.trimDuration = 0
let playerAnimation = try! AnimationResource.generate(with: playerDefinition)
} else {
var playerDefinition = scene!.availableAnimations[0].definition
playerDefinition.speed = -1
playerDefinition.repeatMode = .none
playerDefinition.trimDuration = 0
let playerAnimation = try! AnimationResource.generate(with: playerDefinition)
Hey @KevinTho,
You're on the right path, but you are playing the full animation each time. Create a @State
variable for the AnimationController
that is returned from playAnimation
. On this controller you can directly change the speed
of the animation to reverse it.
if animationController.isPlaying {
animationController.speed = reverse ? -1.0 : 1.0
If you want more customization for which part of the animation you'd like to play, you can read the time
property and set the trimStart
, trimEnd
and offset
Let me know if you have additional questions,