I'm currently working on some messages that should appear in front of the user depending on the system's state of my visionOS app. How am I able to change the distance of the appearing message relative to the user if the message is displayed as a View. Or is this only possible if I would create an enitity for that message, and then set apply .setPosition() and .relativeTo() e.g. the head anchor? Currently I can change the x and y coordinates of the view as it works within a 2D space, but as I'm intending to display that view in my immersive space, it would be cool if I can display my message a little bit further away in the user's UI, as it currently is a little bit to close in the user's view. If there is a solution without the use of entities I would prefer that one.
Thank you for your help!
Below an example:
import SwiftUI
struct Feedback: View {
let message: String
var body: some View {
VStack {
.position(x: 0, y: -850) // how to adapt distance/depth relative to user in UI?
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
struct ImmersiveView: View {
@State private var feedbackMessage = "Hello World"
public var body: some View {
VStack {}
Feedback(message: feedbackMessage)
RealityView { content in
let configuration = SpatialTrackingSession.Configuration(tracking: [.hand])
let spatialTrackingSession = SpatialTrackingSession.init()
_ = await spatialTrackingSession.run(configuration)
// Head
let headEntity = AnchorEntity(.head)
Hi @XWDev
It sounds like you want to position a SwiftUI view, in 3D space, relative to the user. RealityView attachments is the appropriate API to use for this use case.
Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit contains a good overview of the API.
If you use a HeadAnchor the attachment will be head locked to the user (like a HUD). If that's undesired, you can use queryDeviceAnchor(atTimestamp:) to obtain the position of the device; you can use that position to initialize the position of the attachment.