Spotlight App shortcut can't refresh when refresh the AppEntity

I have encountered a problem about AppEntity and AppIntent shortcut. Here is what i have done.

  1. I created some shortcuts use AppShortcutsProvider. Each shortcut created by AppEntity.
  2. I search my app name in spotlight, so these shortcut can be shown in the spotlight.
  3. I don't click the shortcut and back to home screen. Then I delete these shortcuts by modify the Entity.defaultQuery and call AppShortcutsProvider.updateAppShortcutParameters()
  4. Going back to the spotlight, I can see my previous query and result. When I clicked the shortcut, I got an error WFBackgroundShortcutRunnerErrorDomain

Should the spotlight result need to be refreshed when i come back to it?

Sorry - not an answer - but how did you get custom images/icons to show in spotlight instead of SF symbols please?

PS: I also found this bug in the system Notes app

Spotlight App shortcut can't refresh when refresh the AppEntity