I'm attempting to migrate my app's Homescreen widget from using the old SiriKit Intent system to the new AppIntent system but running into an issue.
This WWDC video is the main source of information I have been going off of. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tech-talks/10168/
The problem I'm having is no matter what config I try, as soon as I upgrade to the new app with the AppIntent Widget, all the current widgets on the homescreen stop working, and just show a black screen. Deleting and re-adding the widget to the homescreen from scratch works fine though.
I found someone else with a similar issue here on the Apple developer forums, but it didn't look like there was much information or resolution. https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/759751
I used XCode's built in Intent migration UI to create the new CustomIntentMigratedAppIntent which should help migrate the old widgets to the new system. I also double-checked all the names and variable types, and the automatically generated file seems to be correct.
I even went ahead and created a brand new empty app with the same app and extension bundle id, and made a hard coded widget which contains the migrated intents, just to make sure nothing in my widget or app code is wrong. And even with the empty app with hardcoded views, the widget is still dead after upgrading the app.
It almost seems like the widget is getting disassociated from the app.
Even though the app has a new name, the old widget will still show the old name, the widget also does not give any option to edit it, only delete it. And on the new app, I am able to attach my debugger to the widget extension process, but no code inside my timeline, intent, or entity seem to ever be called/run.
I looked at the Console log while forcing a refresh of the widget, and I've attached the full logs here, and there is a lot in there about it refreshing widgets. SEE LOGS HERE:
But one line that stands out, is this error which appears every time the old widget is refreshed [com.shemeshapps.MinecraftServerStatus::com.shemeshapps.MinecraftServerStatus.MinecraftServerStatusHSWidget:MinecraftServerStatusHSWidget:-5734839072461827392] Reload failed; 0 retries remaining: ChronoCoreErrorDomain (1) Error Domain=ChronoCoreErrorDomain Code=1 "Unknown extension process" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown extension process}
Any help in greatly appreciated, Either issues you think might be causing this, or any tips on debugging further! Thanks!
I've gone ahead and filled a Feedback, as well as submitted a DTS issue, as this is a release blocker. (The feedback contains the new and old project files to allow anyone to reproduce.) FB15531563 DTS case ID: 9677328