macOS how to download previous versions


We are working on automating some processes for our mac virtual machines pool, and one of the things we are looking for is where we can download various different versions of macOS.

When going to the download section of the apple dev portal, it only gives a download link of the latest macOS. Is there no way to obtain download URLs for previous macOS versions as well? For instance, we are trying to validate our automation scripts against Sonoma macOS so we are looking for the download URL , to put in our scripts , or to manually download the file ourselves.


softwareupdate --list-full-installers

softwareupdate --help

You can't install software older than the machine you're installing on. I keep full installers for the latest major revisions on an external disk. Hope this helps.

I've been struggling with previous versions also. My use case is to install previous versions on Parallels. So far, what I've found is:,7 worked for me, where the other two didn't. Unfortunately, aren't "official" images.

macOS how to download previous versions