iOS 18 widget is missing

I recently built a widget with WidgetKit. When I bulding app from Xcode on the simulator widget appears, but when I install app from TestFlight widget is missing. Does anyone know what might have happened to widgets in iOS 18 that could cause this issue? By the way, it works for me in the Simulator but not on a real device.

Answered by Engineer in 813682022

The best first course of action here would be to use to monitor to the relevant processes related to your app and extensions.

A good way to start would be with filtering by the BundleID of the target and / or the target name itself (the process name).

Also be sure to check the system processes for additional information. This will vary based on what and where you are looking but some examples:
To debug APNS you'll want to monitor apd along with other relevant processes.
To debug WidgetKit, LiveActivities, Dynamic Island you'll want to monitor springboardd, liveactivitiesd along with other relevant processes.


WWDR | DTS | Software Engineer

Accepted Answer

The best first course of action here would be to use to monitor to the relevant processes related to your app and extensions.

A good way to start would be with filtering by the BundleID of the target and / or the target name itself (the process name).

Also be sure to check the system processes for additional information. This will vary based on what and where you are looking but some examples:
To debug APNS you'll want to monitor apd along with other relevant processes.
To debug WidgetKit, LiveActivities, Dynamic Island you'll want to monitor springboardd, liveactivitiesd along with other relevant processes.


WWDR | DTS | Software Engineer

I have similar issue. Firstly when I build app my widgets doesn't list in widget. and I build extension and it adds widget to screen but it only black. I checked get these errors. one is shown in image

other one

Task [211] [com.emsal.ulakbelmobil::com.emsal.ulakbelmobil.SecondReporstsWidget:CrmExpiredActivityWidget] Encountered missing entry

Vitalii_Kr OP Now Thanks a lot for your answer/adwise. I used to monitor to the relevant processes related to my app and extensions and found these logs -

I understand this is the reason why I can't find my widget in the search? But why is this so and how to fix it?

iOS 18 widget is missing