I think iOS 18.2 beta broke web views for flutter apps

The application I work on has a webview in it and I found after updating my iPad to the iOS 18.2 beta it no longer detects clicks properly. The same build works fine on other iOS devices not on the beta. When the webview refreshes it works normally until I interact with any other element of the application and then it stops recognizing click inputs. It can still scroll and zoom normally though. I've tested this against 2 different web view packages and different web pages and the issue is consistent. Has anyone else seen anything like this?

Our team is experiencing the same issue. The WebView clicks stop working after interacting with native elements. In our case, it stops working after opening the native Flutter drawer. As you mentioned, the WebView does scroll and receives touch events, but clicks aren’t triggered. This is quite strange and a significant issue.

Same here still have same issuse, I can scroll only with two fingers.

Same problem, text is selected but buttons / links are not clicked, but hover effect is present ...

I have built over hundreds of websites using Flutter Web in the last 4 years. Now, I am in big trouble.

I am having the same problem, does anyone have a solution to it?

for flutter issues, got it solved ,check it out in https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappwebview/issues/2415

I fixed it by wrapping all the widgets above map with pointerinterceptor. and for modalbottomsheet, i created a empty container and placed above webview on positioned so it wont affects it functionality while tapping. and remove it when bottom sheet is closed

I think iOS 18.2 beta broke web views for flutter apps