Problems with Car Software Since updating

Since I installed a beta update recently I have had issues with my phone downloading the contacts to my Suzuki Swift. Today I noticed that the Suzuki Connect App would not open up stating that my 2 month old iPhone 16 had been jailbroken whatever that might mean. i have only ever installed apps from the App Store and updates notified by Apple so why is just this one App telling me my phone has been Jailbroken? I contacted Suzuki and they have no idea what the problem might be so I’m hoping someone in the community might be able to help me get everything fixed or be able to tell me more about my issue.

I face the exact same issue on iPhone 15 Plus 18.2 public beta.

Hi, I'll answer you from Italy I'm also the same problem. I used a beta version of iOS. Hi, I'll answer you from Italy I'm also the same problem. I used a beta version of iOS 18.2 at today

I tried to install the Suzuki connect app on another iPhone without a beta version, I can't access it but the jailbroken message doesn't appear. Have you tried to access from another smartphone?

I have tried on another iPhone that doesn’t have any Beta Version on it and it works perfectl.

It looks like this issue has been caused via Beta versions being installed. Hopefully the developers at Apple are looking into this and sorting out a fix. The latest beta version also prevents contacts from being downloaded to the vehicle so the hands free side of things is useless as well.

So yes, the problem is the beta version of iOS. We should try to downgrade, removing the beta. I don't know how long the next update will take. Speaking of contacts, I noticed on Appe carplay that you can't use Siri, when you talk it interrupts and if I want to command it vocally it doesn't work, it also doesn't even read the messages received on WhatsApp !!

Hi ! Tried to report the error to the Beta developers. In Feedback you can send them an email and explain the problem. I did it.

Hi Sagem you’re right about car play. just tried it and Siri doesn’t respond at all. lets hope the get this sorted Soon.

Problems with Car Software Since updating