CoreBluetooth CBCentralManager cannot connect to discovered periphearl

I am making an app that communicates between WatchOS and MacOS. I was able to connect and discover service characteristics one night and almost succeeded in showing the bluetooth transmited data on MacOS part, before xcode could no longer install newer app to WatchOS.

After I reboot my mac, calling central!.connect(peripheral) on WatchOS will attempt to connect but can't trigger the didConnect call back anymore.

I've installed bluetooth packet logger and BT debugging profile, but they are not that helpful for me at least.

So, what exactly is the problem right now? Can you install the newer app to watchOS?

Did things break after that?

There isn't much to go here, and the issue could be anywhere. Are you using a fresh CBPeripheral object with a new scan? Or are you trying to connect to a CBPeripheral that you scanned before you rebooted the Mac?

So many things that could be wrong. So you may want to do some more debugging and let us know what you have found, preferably with some logs.

CoreBluetooth CBCentralManager cannot connect to discovered periphearl