Rejection of IAP with confusing reasoning

In one of My Apps I want have a "tip" option for users, so they can support the developer if they like the App. As a small tank you, "tipping" will unlock a small bonus feature (nothing essential, but nevertheless nice to have). According to the Guidelines this is perfectly fine and explicitly allowed.

So a created a few IAP options with different prices as non-consumable one-time purchases and the same number of consumable one-time-purchases with the same prices (so no subscriptions at all).

The idea is: users should be able to tip multiple times if they want to (actually many users of the old App version have asked for this)

Non-consumable IAP items can only be purchased once, but these can be restored (for example when switching to a new device). Consumable IAP items can not be restored, but these can be purchased multiple times.

The idea is to combine both, so it is possible to tip multiple times (via consumable IAPs) and to allow the restore of previous purchases (to unlock the bonus feature). To do this, the App would at first only offer the non-consumable IAP items in its "tipping" screen. Only after these were purchased, the App would then only offer the consumable IAP items. Users tipping only once would always purchase the non-consumable item that can be restored. Users who have tipped multiple times would also have purchased the non-consumable IAP once and in addition the consumable item, so they all can restore and unlock the bonus feature. And no one is confused about any internal differences (consumable vs non-consumable), because the users will always see only one tipping option.

I've created these IAP items and send them to Apple for review together with this explanation. All the non-consumable items got approved, all the consumable items got rejected with the following bizarre and unhelpful note from the review board:

3.1.1 - new IAP type
New type: Consumable
Previous type: Non-Consumable
Recommend: Download

The binary of the app is new (more than 14 days).  

What exactly does this mean? I've read section 3.1.1 of the guidelines and nothing indicates anything which would allow any rejection here. And what does "the binary of the app is new" mean? Sure the App is new (currently the new version is tested via TestFlight), but what does this have to do with the IAP?

With normal "Appstore rejections" there was always a link provided which allowed to contact the review team. But there's absolutely nothing available here. Just this bizarre note which doesn't give any clue what's wrong.

Does anyone have an idea what's wrong, or what I need to do to get this approved? How can I contact the review team that is responsible for this IAP review?

BTW: I've tried to get this approved again after changing the description/names of the localization a bit (because these are the only things which are marked in red), but the same strange note came back. And the localization title and description can not have a long text, so there're not that many possible variations available which describe the IAP correctly.

A strange thing happened: The rejected items were approved recently, though I did not submit the items for review again. But I won’t complain if it stays this way.

Rejection of IAP with confusing reasoning