App Clip Advance Experience - Understanding propagation


How much time is too much when an App Clip Experience is submitted and just signals 'Received'?

Our Experience:

Our app counts with Advanced App Clip Experiences that we are constantly updating with new custom cards for different url paths.

Some times, the App Clip card is available 2-3 hours after publishing, some other times- it takes up to 3 days. The problem is, this becomes a bit of a black box and is hard to know if an experience is not available because of an issue or just taking longer to propagate.

We currently added some new experiences and they have been stuck for 5 days. Not sure if there is an error on our side, Apple side or its just taking time to propagate.

Someone has some information on how the Advance App Clip Experiences are propagated and at what time we should assume there is an error and flag it as such?

Thanks and Pura Vida!

I'm currently running into the same thing. Mine has been stuck for about a week now. Is yours still not showing up either @Arxos?

I am having the same issue. Tried with their support but the problem persists and only got referenced to the this forum and to the documentation.

A current workaround: Editing an existing advanced experience is faster (within a day) than adding a new one (more than a week). We are registering subpaths with a generic card and then editing as we need them.

Five days before we published the app with appClip and even configured the App Clip Advanced Experience, but it's still showing the status as received and nothing is working for app clip. How much time it took for you, while you published the app clip for the first time. please share your experience.

App Clip Advance Experience - Understanding propagation