Is there any CallKit/CXCallObserver alternative for China region?

I am developing a VOIP app which should also work in China region. I want to detect whether there are any other calls active or ended. This functionality is can be achieved using Callkit CXCallObserver. But CallKit cannot be used in China. So is there any other alternative way to achieve what CXCallObserver offers?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 817312022

I am developing a VOIP app which should also work in China region. I want to detect whether there are any other calls active or ended. This functionality is can be achieved using Callkit CXCallObserver. But CallKit cannot be used in China. So is there any other alternative way to achieve what CXCallObserver offers?

Take a look at "LiveCommunicationKit". In particular, ConversationManager.conversations and ConversationManagerDelegate.conversationManager(_:conversationChanged:) provide similar functionality to CXCallObserver.

Kevin Elliott
DTS Engineer, CoreOS/Hardware

I am developing a VOIP app which should also work in China region. I want to detect whether there are any other calls active or ended. This functionality is can be achieved using Callkit CXCallObserver. But CallKit cannot be used in China. So is there any other alternative way to achieve what CXCallObserver offers?

Take a look at "LiveCommunicationKit". In particular, ConversationManager.conversations and ConversationManagerDelegate.conversationManager(_:conversationChanged:) provide similar functionality to CXCallObserver.

Kevin Elliott
DTS Engineer, CoreOS/Hardware

now i must use voip + livekit to developing, When incoming offline messages arrive at the device through VoIP, call ConversationManager The method of reporting NewIncomingConversation (uuid: update:) will crash, but the crash message appears to indicate that callkit has not been called

Is there any CallKit/CXCallObserver alternative for China region?