PTTFramework w/ AVAudioSession

Hi all, I have spent a lot of time reading the tech note and watching the WDDC video that introduce the PTTFramework on iOS. I currently have a custom setup where I am using AVAudioEngine to schedule and play buffers that are being streamed through a call.

I am looking to use the PTTFramework to allow a user to trigger this push to talk behavior from the lock screen and the various places with the system UI it provides.

However I am unsure what the correct behavior is regarding the handling of the audio session. Right now I am using .playback when there is no active voice transmission so that devices such as AirPods can be in AD2P mode where applicable, and then transitioning to .playbackAndRecord category only when the mic input should become active. Following this change in my AVAudioEngine manager I am then manually activating and deactivating the audio session manually when the engine is either playing/recording or idle.

In the documentation it states that you should not attempt to activate or deactivate your audio session directly, but allow the framework to handle it.

Does that mean that I need to either call the request to transmit delegate function or set an active participant on the channel manager first, and then wait for the didBecomeActive delegate method to trigger before I actually attempt to play or record any audio? (I am using the fullDuplex mode currently.) I noticed that that delegate method will only trigger if the audio session wasn't active before doing one of the above (setting active participant, requesting transmit).

Lastly, when using the PTTFramework it also mentions that we get support for PTT devices and I notice on the didBeginTransmittingFrom property we have a handsfreeButton case. Is there any documentation or resources for what is actually supported out of the box for this? I am currently working on handling a lot of the push to talk through bluetooth LE, and wanted to make sure there wasn't overlap with what the system provides.

Thank you!

Also I am at this point wondering is using an AVAudioEngine to handle the output and input is the correct way to go when using the PTT Framework because of the route changes and potential interruptions that get caused.

Hello @draff27, thank you for your post. As mentioned in this thread, using a single engine should get the job done. You should also let the framework activate and deactivate the audio session on your app's behalf instead of doing it manually. This ensures the session will have the correct priority.

PTTFramework w/ AVAudioSession