I'm encountering an issue with HealthKit permissions and would appreciate some guidance: In my app's previous version, I granted write permissions for HKObjectType.workoutType() via the WatchKitExtension. Now, in the upcoming version, I'm trying to request read permissions for both HKObjectType.workoutType() and HKSeriesType.workoutRoute() via the iOS app. However, after granting access: The read permissions for Workout and Workout Route don't show up under Settings -> Health -> Data and Access -> [My App]. The Workout Route permission status remains notDetermined, even though I selected "Allow" when prompted. Interestingly, if I request the same permissions via the WatchKitExtension, everything works as expected, and the issue doesn't occur.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have insights into why this might be happening? Could it be related to requesting permissions from the iOS app instead of the WatchKitExtension?