VisionOS DockingRegion getting ignored

Hi, I added DockingRegion to my scene from Reality Composer Pro, and I am able to load up the scene, but DockingRegion is getting ignored and the scene is getting rendered with no change in AVPlayerViewController window. As it can be seen in Reality Composer Pro screenshot below, I set the width of the player to 666, and moved it to the back by 300cm, but the actual result does not reflect the position I set on Reality Composer Pro. Is there anything else I should do other than loading up the Entity and adding to RealityView? Specifically, do I have to get the DockingRegion within the usda file and somehow enable it?

Hey @ckse93,

Did you entering your immersive environment that contains the DockingRegionComponent or use immersiveEnvironmentPicker(content:) to select it from the environment's menu?

If you haven't already, please take a look at Enabling video reflections in an immersive environment which goes over a lot of good information on this topic. If you want to see this API in action, download the Destination Video sample code or choose the "Immersive Environment App" visionOS Xcode template when creating a new project.

Let me know if that helps,

Yes, the environment I am entering is a usda file, in which I added Video Dock using Reality Composer Pro. and I used immersiveEnvironmentPicker modifier on my AVPlayerView, a simple wrapper for AVPlayerViewController.

alternatively, is there any way I can enable video reflection / diffusion on VideoMaterial?

Hey @ckse93,

Using the Immersive Environment App template, I'm able to change the docking region and customize the specular and diffuse video reflections.

Are you able to provide a link to your project or can you submit a feedback request with a sample project that replicates your issue?

Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating your bug report.


VisionOS DockingRegion getting ignored