Receive notifications for unreported tokens after few minutes

i m integrate App Store Server Notifications for External Purchase Server API

The documentation says:

For external purchase tokens that are unreported after 10 days, Apple sends a server notification to your server

I have a doubt.

After I'm generating an external purchase token (sandbox), apple notify me 4 times in next 2-3h, even they say, they will notify me after 10 days for unreported tokens.

Mention: Response for notification call was 200

token_create: 13:18
notification_1: 13:58
notification_2: 14:38
notification_3: 15:08
notificaiton_4: 15:38
"notificationType": "EXTERNAL_PURCHASE_TOKEN",
"subtype": "UNREPORTED",

I have no clue what's happening

Answered by App Store Commerce Engineer in 817278022

@raulpop In Sandbox the timelines are sped up for testing. We send after approximately 30 minutes, and every 30 minutes or so thereafter for an additional 2 hours.

Accepted Answer

@raulpop In Sandbox the timelines are sped up for testing. We send after approximately 30 minutes, and every 30 minutes or so thereafter for an additional 2 hours.

Receive notifications for unreported tokens after few minutes