StoreKit purchase failed with UI anchor

My App payment encountered a unkonw((StoreKit.StoreKitError) error = unknown) error in iOS18.2, then the lldb log "Could not find a visible window in the scene for *** purchase."."***" is purchase product id.

Why does this error occur, and how can I fix it?

I have the same problem as you. This must be a critical bug, users can't buy IAP, we are suffering huge losses.

We need help! Could not find a UI anchor for com.xxxx purchase. Purchase failed: Unable to Complete Request This log printed :(

Are you using Storekit 1 or Storekit 2?

I'm using Storekit 1 and in-app purchases are not working on iOS 18.2

Did you fix it? Of not pls also report to

I'm having the same issue. I have no problem with subscriptions, but I can't make consumable in-app purchases.

Solved this problem on my project.

Updated my deprecated code to StoreKit 2. As I've been using UIKit, I needed to call purchase(confirmIn:options:) function.

StoreKit purchase failed with UI anchor