I am new to CarPlay development. I am working on an app that has four tabs. The first tab has a POI template. I make an API call, once the data is received, I need to refresh the POI template to display the data received. Below is a sample code. Please guide me on this. Right now I am pushing a new template once data is obtained which is not the right behaviour
func templateApplicationScene(_ templateApplicationScene: CPTemplateApplicationScene, didConnect interfaceController: CPInterfaceController) {
self.interfaceController = interfaceController
let tabs = CPTabBarTemplate(templates: [firstTab(), secondTab(), thirdTab(), fourthTab()])
animated: true,
completion: nil)
func firstTab() -> CPTemplate {
// Placeholder template while data is loading
let placeholderPOI = CPPointOfInterest(location: MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0))),
title: "Loading...",
subtitle: "",
summary: "Data is currently loading",
detailTitle: "",
detailSubtitle: "",
detailSummary: "",
pinImage: nil)
let placeholderTemplate = CPPointOfInterestTemplate(title: "EV Stations", pointsOfInterest: [placeholderPOI], selectedIndex: 0)
// Asynchronously update the template once data is loaded
Task {
await loadAndUpdateTimeConsumingData(for: placeholderTemplate)
return placeholderTemplate
func loadAndUpdateTimeConsumingData(for template: CPPointOfInterestTemplate) async {
do {
// Simulate a 1-minute delay
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 60 * 1_000_000_000)
// Mock data
let stations = [Station1(name: "Station 1", city: "City A", address: "123 Lane", coordinates: (latitude: 12.3456, longitude: 76.7890))]
let pointsOfInterest = stations.map { station -> CPPointOfInterest in
let mapItem = MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: station.coordinates.latitude, longitude: station.coordinates.longitude)))
return CPPointOfInterest(location: mapItem,
title: station.name,
subtitle: station.city,
summary: station.address,
detailTitle: "",
detailSubtitle: "",
detailSummary: "",
pinImage: nil)
// Update the template
let poiTemplate = CPPointOfInterestTemplate(title: "EV Stations", pointsOfInterest: pointsOfInterest, selectedIndex: 0)
await MainActor.run {
self.interfaceController?.pushTemplate(poiTemplate, animated: true, completion: nil)
} catch {
Hello, your app should retain a reference to each template that it has displayed, either in the tab bar or presented modally. When your app has new data to display, you should use the update methods in each template as appropriate. For example, the point of interest template has a setPointsOfInterest(_:selectedIndex:) method that can update the POIs being displayed even after that template is already on the screen.