Backup and restore Personal IOS data to Supervised device?

Backup and restore Personal IOS data to a Supervised device?

We currently have around 200+ iPhone users that are using their devices as personal devices. We are planning on moving them to Intune using Automated Device Enrollment (Supervised).

Is it any way possible to backup their devices, do a factory reset, enroll them in Intune, then restore the old data?

Is it possible to do backup and restore in this situation? Is there an alternative way to restore the data back to a supervised device?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 824167022

For help with iPhone backups, please post in the Apple Support Community. The Apple Developer Forums are for questions about APIs and features intended specifically for developers.

For help with iPhone backups, please post in the Apple Support Community. The Apple Developer Forums are for questions about APIs and features intended specifically for developers.

Backup and restore Personal IOS data to Supervised device?