I get the error message in Xcode signing certificate
Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.example.app" doesn't include the pushkit entitlement.
I have push notifications ticked in my Identifier in the online developer account. There is no other dedicated pushkit capability available to select.
Push notifications, time sensitive notifications and background mode-> voice over ip are added as capabilities in the Xcode project.
The team provisioning profile for the app states under its enabled capabilities: both push notifications and time sensitive notifications.
Is pushkit part of another capability that I need to select?
I have read the guide below and it just says to add the push notification capability. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/pushkit/supporting-pushkit-notifications-in-your-app
I have gone round and round in circles trying to get this profile to work for this, so any pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks
It was my mistake. For others reference:
I had added the pushkit entitlement to my entitlements file via an expo plugin, which was throwing the provisioning profile. It only required the aps-environment entitlement.
The pushkit entitlement should not be there and was a mistake from copying over some old code.