I am considering to use the BGAppRefreshTask mechanism, and while I think I have read and understood all documentation and hints in this forum about it (especially the limitations), the one thing I do not understand is: how can I debug it? I cannot find a way to trigger the BGAppRefreshTask execution reliably and immediately. I would have expected the Xcode Debug->Simulate Background Fetch menu to do this for me, but it only sends the app into the background.
I am working with the unmodified (except for a few added print())
ColorFeed sample code project from Apple, which schedules a task 15min into the future when it goes to the background. Using a real device, I have not managed to trigger execution of the BGAppRefreshTask more often than once a day so far.
Surely, there must be a way to trigger it much more often solely for debugging and development purposes (I am totally happy with all restrictions for the final app). So what detail am I missing here?