




Schedule BGAppRefreshTask more often for debugging purposes
I am considering to use the BGAppRefreshTask mechanism, and while I think I have read and understood all documentation and hints in this forum about it (especially the limitations), the one thing I do not understand is: how can I debug it? I cannot find a way to trigger the BGAppRefreshTask execution reliably and immediately. I would have expected the Xcode Debug->Simulate Background Fetch menu to do this for me, but it only sends the app into the background. I am working with the unmodified (except for a few added print()) ColorFeed sample code project from Apple, which schedules a task 15min into the future when it goes to the background. Using a real device, I have not managed to trigger execution of the BGAppRefreshTask more often than once a day so far. Surely, there must be a way to trigger it much more often solely for debugging and development purposes (I am totally happy with all restrictions for the final app). So what detail am I missing here?
Jan ’25
EXIF creation date of ICCameraFile always nil?
I am using ImageCaptureCore to access and (sometimes) download media files from a digital camera connected via USB (either to a Mac oder to an iOS device with Apple lightning to USB3 camera adapter). This works very well in general, but what puzzles me is that for the ICCameraFile's EXIF creation/modification date, it always returns nil. I can access the ICCameraItem's creation/modification date instead, which, as it says in the documentation "usually [is] the same as its EXIF creation date", but, well not always. Generally the EXIF tags are more reliable than the file dates, especially the modification date is easily messed up when copying files. As for my cameras, they show the stable EXIF date on their display, so for consistency I would prefer to use the same in my app. Is there a way to get it without downloading the image from the camera and reading it from the file? Does it possibly depend on the brand of camera (I mostly have Canon) whether ICCameraFile.exifCreationDate is ever populated or always nil? For a thumb drive with DCIM folder, which is treated just like a camera, it is also nil.
Nov ’24
iOS 15 simulator vs. Cloudkit sharing invites
I am running the WWDC21 sample application "CoreDataCloudkitDemo" with two different Apple IDs to test the Cloudkit sharing feature. I use two simulators and one real device, where the latter has the same ID as one of the simulators. While creating invites via "Copy link" works on all three installations, accepting invites only works on the real device. Trying to open an invite (by copying the link in the one and pasting it into Safari in the other) always results in a web page stating that "iCloud has stopped responding" and "Unable to find applicationIdentifier for the containerId = [my ID] and fileExtension = undefined". Is this a simulator bug in Xcode 13.2 or is there anything I can do about it? Other iCloud features (including login via Safari to work in both simulators. Is there a way to open invite URLs in a simulator (as there is no functioning iMessage or Mail app) other than Safari's URL input field? Doing so does not work in the real device either, but clicking it in e.g. iMessage works. Edit: Pasting the link into a ToDo item and opening it from there works even in the simulator - so is it just a Safari issue?
Jan ’22
Export compliance documentation for encryption
I am building iOS apps that use Bluetooth LE via CoreBluetooth and make calls over ATS/HTTPS, both of which make use of encryption, which requires a declaration in AppStoreConnect. AppStoreConect then links to this document: states that for ATS/HTTPS or "encryption limited to that within the Apple operating system" (the latter should be applicable for Bluetooth), "No documentation required in App Store Connect.", but I should "Submit a Self Classification Report to the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) directly."So I end up with "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption : No" and tried to create such a report, which basically consists of a simple spreadsheet listing some product details, but now I am totally lost trying to figure out what to use for these three colums, in particular the first one:ECCNAUTHORIZATION TYPEITEM TYPEThere are documents that discuss possible values for these entries, but they are harder to decypher than the crypto in question here...😕Is there a simple table or official statement which tells what to use for the very basic case of an app that is exclusively using HTTPS and other built-in crypto, such as Bluetooth, Wifi, etc.? Has anyone ever figured out the proper entries for this common case?
Oct ’19