Chrome replaced by Safari after in-app upgrade

Hello I want to report an issue on macOS, I also reported this issue on feedbackassistant, but I didn't get a response from the feedbackassistant. I am sorry it might not be appropriate to post it here, if so, you can move or delete this post or ask me to to so. Thanks.

In short words, Chrome/Edge/Firefox users who manually set the browser as default browser in the macOS System setttings, will lose their default browser setting after browser a upgrade.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

(1) Install Chrome Canary, in my case I was using 134.0.6961.0. After installation, open it from launchpad, but don't set it as the default browser in the browser

(2) Go to macOS's system settings, search Deafult Web Browser, set the new installed Chrome Canary as default browser

(3) Go to Chrome Canary's Settings->About Chrome

(4) Wait for Chrome update information to be updated (it will auto update to the latest version)

(5) Check result of system default browser. Click a link from Notes, it will navigate to Safari.

What is the expected result?

System default browser should not change

What happens instead?

The System default browser changed to the topmost browser of the brower list in system settings. Click a link from Notes, it will be opened in Safari.


  1. This bug also happens on Firefox and Edge, it should be a macOS bug.
  2. This bug is similar to

Looks like after installation, macOS recognize the newly installed version of browser as a new browser, even though the signature of the application remained the same. In Local Network of macOS settings, some Edge users see multiple entries with the same name.

Answered by darkpaw in 822275022

"I also reported this issue on feedbackassistant, but I didn't get a response from the feedbackassistant"

What do you mean you didn't get a response? Do you mean Feedback Assistant didn't work, or no one replied to your bug report? No one is going to reply to your bug report unless they need more information from you.

You don't need to duplicate your bugs, and this is not the right place to put them.

Accepted Answer

"I also reported this issue on feedbackassistant, but I didn't get a response from the feedbackassistant"

What do you mean you didn't get a response? Do you mean Feedback Assistant didn't work, or no one replied to your bug report? No one is going to reply to your bug report unless they need more information from you.

You don't need to duplicate your bugs, and this is not the right place to put them.

Chrome replaced by Safari after in-app upgrade