No subscriptions showed to buy in release phase

I have auto-renewable subscriptions, and in Xcode everything works fine. It shows a list of subscriptions where I can make a test purchase. But when I send it for review, the review team, as well as TestFlight, simply do not have subscriptions. If the problem was in the code, it would not work in the sandbox as I think.

But I think that I configured everything correctly in the subscription settings. The only thing: it shows there for the subscription in appstoreconnect that it is preparing for review, but nothing can be done about it, because it will be solved with the first release of the application.

But I do not know where else to look and what to do. The problem is probably not in the code, but I also redirected the subscription config in appstoreconnect a bunch of times.

I asked help on review team, no way. Tried to google and chat GPT, no ideas where to find a solution.

because it will be solved with the first release of the application.

Testing your in-app purchases doesn't require you upload a binary for review.

I have auto-renewable subscriptions, and in Xcode everything works fine.

When you enable StoreKit Testing in Xcode, StoreKit queries the active StoreKit configuration file in your Xcode project for in-app purchases configured for your app.

But when I send it for review, the review team, as well as TestFlight,

TestFlight and Apple use the sandbox for in-app purchases. In the sandbox, StoreKit queries App Store Connect for in-app purchases configured for your app.

simply do not have subscriptions.


  • Agree to the latest Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

  • Complete the Paid Apps Agreement and all the financial agreements. For more information, see Manage banking information and Manage tax information.

  • When you renew your developer membership, see if you need to make updates to your agreements. When your developer membership expires, your financial agreements expire as well.

  • Every product identifier you use in your app matches a product identifier for an in-app purchase configured for your app in App Store Connect.

No subscriptions showed to buy in release phase