Is encrypting PII on the server mandatory for App Store compliance?

I’m building an iOS app that collects user PII (emails, names) and stores it in my backend database. I already use HTTPS for data transfer, but I’m unsure if Apple requires server-side encryption for stored data.

For example:

If a user’s email is stored in plain text on my server (but transmitted securely via HTTPS), will this violate App Store guidelines?

Does Apple explicitly mandate encryption-at-rest for PII, or is it just a recommendation?

Are there exceptions for non-sensitive data like usernames?

I checked App Store Review Guidelines §5.1.1, which says "data must be stored securely," but it’s unclear if this requires encryption.


The app targets U.S. users (no GDPR/CCPA concerns).

No financial/health data is involved.

Is plain-text server storage of emails/names acceptable, or will this risk rejection? Thanks for any clarity!

Is encrypting PII on the server mandatory for App Store compliance?