Live Caller ID Lookup - CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y error

I'm trying to implement live caller id PIR server in python and I have an issue related to evaluation key config. I don't receive the POST /key request even if I try to install the extension on new device and I had this error in device system logs: error 11:21:30.663022+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y

I think the reason why the evaluation key is not generated is related to this error but I'm not sure. It might be also related to HE params - I tried with the same params as in swift server example with plaintext_modulus=17 and it works, but for plaintext_modulus=65537 on the same device the system doesn't send me the evaluation key. Is there a limitation that restricts the evaluation key generation for some HE params?

There is how the entire config object that I retrieve looks like:

{ "configs": { "Live-C aller-ID-Lookup. TestLiveCallerI D.iden tity": { "pir_config": { "encry ption_p aram eters": { "pol ynomial_deg ree": "4096", "plaint ext_mo dulus": "65537", "coeff icient_m oduli": [ "134176769", "268369921", "268361729" ], "secu rity_le vel": "SECU RITY LEVEL QUANT UM128", "h e_sc heme": "H E_SC HEM E_B F V" }, "shard_configs": [ { "num_entries": "2", "entry_size": "55991", "dimensions": [ "2", "1" ], "shard_id": "" } ], "keyword_pir_params": { "num_hash_functions": "2", "sharding_function": { "sha256": {} } }, "algorithm": "PIR _ALGO RITHM _MUL_PIR", "batch_size": "2", "evalu ation_ke config_hash": "" }, "config_id": "" } }, "key_info": [ { "timestamp": "1738660849", "key_config": { "encryp tion_par ameters": { "polynomial_degree": "4096", "plaintex t_mo dulus": "65537", "coeffic ient_m oduli": [ "134176769", "268369921", "268361729" ], "secu rity_level": "SECUR ITY_LEVEL_QU ANTUM128", "he_sc heme": "HE_SC HEME_BFV" }, "gal ois_e lements": [ 20 49, 40 97 ], "has _rel in_key": true } } ] }

PS evaluation key data is just a placeholder, but anyway it should be skipped cause of expired timestamp

More logs:

default	11:21:30.535865+0200	ciphermld	Running rotation task for ["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]
info	11:21:30.535953+0200	ciphermld	Skipping groups that manage their own networking: <private>
default	11:21:30.537007+0200	ciphermld	Request to fetchConfigs has started for useCases '["Li ve-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]', userId: '<private>', existingConfigIds: '["id"]'
default	11:21:30.542174+0200	ciphermld	Request to queries-batch has started for userId: '<private>', length: 28350
default	11:21:30.655914+0200	ciphermld	Request to fetchConfigs has finished, response length: 230
default	11:21:30.656182+0200	ciphermld	Received configurations: 1 usecase(s), 1 key(s) for group 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
debug	11:21:30.660868+0200	ciphermld	Skipping non-active key: timestamp: 1738660849
key_config {
  encryption_parameters {
    polynomial_degree: 4096
    plaintext_modulus: 65537
    coefficient_moduli: [134176769, 268369921, 268361729]
    security_level: Quantum128
    he_scheme: BFV
  galois_elements: [2049, 4097]
  has_relin_key: true
error	11:21:30.662982+0200	ciphermld	No key for use-case 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
error	11:21:30.663022+0200	ciphermld	requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
default	11:21:30.663824+0200	<private> XPC request complete, results(0) error:Error Domain=CipherML.CipherMLError Code=32 "missing secre t ke y" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=missing secre t ke y}
default	11:21:30.972372+0200	ciphermld	Request to queries-batch has finished response, length: 0
default	11:21:30.974711+0200	<private> XPC request complete, results(1) error:(null)
default	11:21:36.161964+0200	<private> Sending XPC request
default	11:21:36.163149+0200	<private> Sending XPC request
default	11:21:36.169931+0200	ciphermld	requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) method was called
default	11:21:36.170448+0200	ciphermld	requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) method was called
default	11:21:36.174001+0200	ciphermld	Cached: 0 / Missing: 1
error	11:21:36.174997+0200	ciphermld	No userId or secre t Ke y for use-case '.Lve-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'. Running rotation task'
default	11:21:36.175075+0200	ciphermld	Running rotation task for ["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]
info	11:21:36.175240+0200	ciphermld	Skipping groups that manage their own networking: <private>
default	11:21:36.177700+0200	ciphermld	Request to fetchConfigs has started for useCases '["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]', userId: '<private>', existingConfigIds: '["id"]'
default	11:21:36.179914+0200	ciphermld	Request to queries-batch has started for userId: '<private>', length: 28350
default	11:21:36.336051+0200	ciphermld	Request to fetchConfigs has finished, response length: 230
default	11:21:36.336308+0200	ciphermld	Received configurations: 1 usecase(s), 1 key(s) for group 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
debug	11:21:36.341522+0200	ciphermld	Skipping non-active key: timestamp: 1738660849
key_config {
  encryption_parameters {
    polynomial_degree: 4096
    plaintext_modulus: 65537
    coefficient_moduli: [134176769, 268369921, 268361729]
    security_level: Quantum128
    he_scheme: BFV
  galois_elements: [2049, 4097]
  has_relin_key: true
error	11:21:36.356497+0200	ciphermld	No key for use-case 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
error	11:21:36.356669+0200	ciphermld	requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
default	11:21:36.357075+0200	<private> XPC request complete, results(0) error:Error Domain=CipherML.CipherMLError Code=32 "missing secre t ke y" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=missing secre t ke y}
default	11:21:36.625701+0200	ciphermld	Request to queries-batch has finished response, length: 0
default	11:21:36.626749+0200	

Live Caller ID Lookup - CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y error