I've discovered a bug in the Phone app on iOS related to how long verdicts are displayed.
When a call is identified by a third-party Caller ID app, long verdicts display correctly during the call (they auto-scroll) and in the call log (with an ellipsis at the end). However, on the call details screen, the text is strangely truncated - showing only the beginning of the string and the last word.
For testing, I used this verdict: "Musclemen grow on trees. They can tense their muscles and look good in a mirror. So what? I'm interested in practical strength that's going to help me run, jump, twist, punch."
I'll attach a screenshots demonstrating the problem:
SMS and Call Reporting
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I've successfully started the Live Caller ID Lookup example and initialized the PIRService.
I added several identities to the input.txtpb file, some with block: true and others with block: false.
Here is the file but modified phone digits:
identities {
key: "+40790123123"
value {
name: "Blocking 1"
cache_expiry_minutes: 7
block: true
identities {
key: "+972526111111"
value {
name: "Blocking 2"
cache_expiry_minutes: 7
block: true
identities {
key: "+123"
value {
name: "Adam"
cache_expiry_minutes: 8
block: false
identities {
key: "+972526111112"
value {
name: "Identified Business Name 1"
cache_expiry_minutes: 1
block: false
identities {
key: "+972526111113"
value {
name: "Identified Business Name 2"
cache_expiry_minutes: 1
block: false
The main issue is that only the number marked as +40790123123 was actually blocked, while "Blocking 2" appeared as identified contacts with their assigned name displayed.
Notably, the only blocked number was a foreign number with a different country code than the number being called. The other numbers belonged to the same country.
Can someone clarify whether this is a bug in the example project or an issue with the data file?
Hi everyone,
I built a new app and pushed it to the Testflight but call/sms is not working. Doesn't Testflight support call/sms feature?
I have been working to implement Apple's Live Caller ID feature, which requires setting up a relay server. Following Apple's guidelines, I submitted a request through the provided link to utilize Apple's relay server. However, it's been three weeks, and I have yet to receive a response. I contacted Apple Support, but they indicated that this is a technical matter beyond their scope.ā
Has anyone successfully received confirmation from Apple regarding the use of their relay server for Live Caller ID? If so, could you share your experience or any advice on how to proceed?
url: https://developer.apple.com/contact/request/live-caller-id-lookup/
Thank you.
I have an app with Message Filtering Extension enabled and I have been experiencing unusual behaviour.
When I send messages from local number to local number, the filtering is done correctly, but when I send messages from certain international number to my local number the messages are not filtered. I couldn't find any errors in Console.
I see that the normalisation is correct, is there any specifications for SMS from certain countries? Or a reason why Message Filtering is not activated when a SMS is received?
I want to block incoming calls using my backend server, like the unwantend sms using message filter extension. I saw that Call Directory Extension can block numbers, but you need update the list, is not in real time. I was reading the Live Caller ID Look up extension documentation, and it seems that with this extension is possible send the number to backend and retrieve a value to know if the call should be block or not.
Am I right? Or is not possible this feature with this extension?
The example database/server provided by Apple for Live Caller ID contains a hardcoded database with a tiny number of pre-defined numbers.
However, its not expected to be representational of an live real world usage server.
But the question is how can that be accomplished if its a requirement that the data be KPIR encrypted?
In real world scenarios, the factors that effect whether a number should be blocked or not are continually changing and evolving on a minute-by-minute basis and new information becomes available or existing information changes.
If the database supports tens of millions or hundreds of millions of constantly changing phone numbers, in order to meet the requirements of the Live Caller ID being KPIR encrypted, that would imply the database has to re-encrypt its database of millions endlessly for all time.
That seems unfeasable and impractical to implement.
Therefore how do the Apple designers of this feature envisage/suggest a real-world server supporting millions of changing data should meet the requirement to be KPIR encrypted?
I'm trying to implement live caller id PIR server in python and I have an issue related to evaluation key config. I don't receive the POST /key request even if I try to install the extension on new device and I had this error in device system logs:
error 11:21:30.663022+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
I think the reason why the evaluation key is not generated is related to this error but I'm not sure. It might be also related to HE params - I tried with the same params as in swift server example with plaintext_modulus=17 and it works, but for plaintext_modulus=65537 on the same device the system doesn't send me the evaluation key. Is there a limitation that restricts the evaluation key generation for some HE params?
There is how the entire config object that I retrieve looks like:
"configs": {
"Live-C aller-ID-Lookup. TestLiveCallerI D.iden tity": {
"pir_config": {
"encry ption_p aram eters": {
"pol ynomial_deg ree": "4096",
"plaint ext_mo dulus": "65537",
"coeff icient_m oduli": [
"secu rity_le vel": "SECU RITY LEVEL QUANT UM128",
"h e_sc heme": "H E_SC HEM E_B F V"
"shard_configs": [
"num_entries": "2",
"entry_size": "55991",
"dimensions": [
"shard_id": ""
"keyword_pir_params": {
"num_hash_functions": "2",
"sharding_function": {
"sha256": {}
"algorithm": "PIR _ALGO RITHM _MUL_PIR",
"batch_size": "2",
"evalu ation_ke config_hash": ""
"config_id": ""
"key_info": [
"timestamp": "1738660849",
"key_config": {
"encryp tion_par ameters": {
"polynomial_degree": "4096",
"plaintex t_mo dulus": "65537",
"coeffic ient_m oduli": [
"secu rity_level": "SECUR ITY_LEVEL_QU ANTUM128",
"he_sc heme": "HE_SC HEME_BFV"
"gal ois_e lements": [
20 49,
40 97
"has _rel in_key": true
PS evaluation key data is just a placeholder, but anyway it should be skipped cause of expired timestamp
More logs:
default 11:21:30.535865+0200 ciphermld Running rotation task for ["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]
info 11:21:30.535953+0200 ciphermld Skipping groups that manage their own networking: <private>
default 11:21:30.537007+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has started for useCases '["Li ve-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]', userId: '<private>', existingConfigIds: '["id"]'
default 11:21:30.542174+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has started for userId: '<private>', length: 28350
default 11:21:30.655914+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has finished, response length: 230
default 11:21:30.656182+0200 ciphermld Received configurations: 1 usecase(s), 1 key(s) for group 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
debug 11:21:30.660868+0200 ciphermld Skipping non-active key: timestamp: 1738660849
key_config {
encryption_parameters {
polynomial_degree: 4096
plaintext_modulus: 65537
coefficient_moduli: [134176769, 268369921, 268361729]
security_level: Quantum128
he_scheme: BFV
galois_elements: [2049, 4097]
has_relin_key: true
error 11:21:30.662982+0200 ciphermld No key for use-case 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
error 11:21:30.663022+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
default 11:21:30.663824+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> XPC request complete, results(0) error:Error Domain=CipherML.CipherMLError Code=32 "missing secre t ke y" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=missing secre t ke y}
default 11:21:30.972372+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has finished response, length: 0
default 11:21:30.974711+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> XPC request complete, results(1) error:(null)
default 11:21:36.161964+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> Sending XPC request
default 11:21:36.163149+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> Sending XPC request
default 11:21:36.169931+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) method was called
default 11:21:36.170448+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) method was called
default 11:21:36.174001+0200 ciphermld Cached: 0 / Missing: 1
error 11:21:36.174997+0200 ciphermld No userId or secre t Ke y for use-case '.Lve-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'. Running rotation task'
default 11:21:36.175075+0200 ciphermld Running rotation task for ["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]
info 11:21:36.175240+0200 ciphermld Skipping groups that manage their own networking: <private>
default 11:21:36.177700+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has started for useCases '["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]', userId: '<private>', existingConfigIds: '["id"]'
default 11:21:36.179914+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has started for userId: '<private>', length: 28350
default 11:21:36.336051+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has finished, response length: 230
default 11:21:36.336308+0200 ciphermld Received configurations: 1 usecase(s), 1 key(s) for group 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
debug 11:21:36.341522+0200 ciphermld Skipping non-active key: timestamp: 1738660849
key_config {
encryption_parameters {
polynomial_degree: 4096
plaintext_modulus: 65537
coefficient_moduli: [134176769, 268369921, 268361729]
security_level: Quantum128
he_scheme: BFV
galois_elements: [2049, 4097]
has_relin_key: true
error 11:21:36.356497+0200 ciphermld No key for use-case 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
error 11:21:36.356669+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
default 11:21:36.357075+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> XPC request complete, results(0) error:Error Domain=CipherML.CipherMLError Code=32 "missing secre t ke y" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=missing secre t ke y}
default 11:21:36.625701+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has finished response, length: 0
default 11:21:36.626749+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory
Hi everyone, i'm a newbie swift programmer and i've received a very challenging task. I'm trying to develop ad app that close and incoming call if the calling number is not in the user's contact list. Is it possibile? Do I have to use a particular extension? thanks for all the support!.
Hello! What is the TTL for evaluation key(s) used in Live Caller ID feature on iOS client side? We would like to align our server-side key storage TTL with the iOS client implementation to optimize memory usage.
Would really appreciate your help on this.
Hi Apple Developer,
Iām working on a message-filtering application and reviewing Apple's documentation on message filtering. The documentation clearly states that MMS messages can be filtered. (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/identitylookup/sms-and-mms-message-filtering)
When we refer to MMS, it includes images, short videos, and other supported multimedia formats. However, the ILMessageFilterQueryRequest only provides the message body as a String, meaning we can access text and links but not images or other media files.
Could you please confirm whether Apple allows third-party applications to access multimedia content sent from unknown numbers?
Looking forward to your quick response.
Rijul Singhal
Hi Apple Developer,
Iām working on a message-filtering application and reviewing Apple's documentation on message filtering. The documentation clearly states that MMS messages can be filtered. (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/identitylookup/sms-and-mms-message-filtering)
When we refer to MMS, it includes images, short videos, and other supported multimedia formats. However, the ILMessageFilterQueryRequest only provides the message body as a String, meaning we can access text and links but not images or other media files.
Could you please confirm whether Apple allows third-party applications to access multimedia content sent from unknown numbers?
Looking forward to your quick response.
Rijul Singhal
I'm trying to setup PIR service for live caller id lookup (in python but based on swift example: https://github.com/apple/live-caller-id-lookup-example). The swift example provides utilities for database setup and encryption, but I can't find any specification about which key is used for database encryption and how the ios system knows about this key in order to be able to construct the PIR requests.
So my question is how does the PIR service communicate the secret key to ios system or vice versa? (specific to the test environment, before onboarding)
Hi Apple Developers,
I am currently working on a message filtering application and facing issues specifically with filtering RCS (Rich Communication Services) messages. To debug this, I created a sample app that consistently categorizes all incoming messages as "junk." However, the filtering behaviour is inconsistent and not functioning as expected.
Here are the key issues observed during testing on iOS versions 18.2.1 and 18.3:
Inconsistent Filtering Behavior:
When a message is received from an unknown number, it sometimes gets moved to the Junk folder momentarily but is then immediately moved back to the main Messages inbox.
In some cases, the message does not get moved to the Junk folder at all, despite the app returning the verdict as "junk."
Duplicate Contact Tiles:
The Messages app displays two separate conversation tiles for the same mobile number, which is unexpected behavior.
For reference, my carrier partner is T-Mobile. Please let me know if you need any additional information to investigate this issue further.
Looking forward to your insights and guidance.
Best regards,
Rijul Singhal
Hi Apple Developers,
I am currently working on a message filtering application and facing issues specifically with filtering RCS (Rich Communication Services) messages. To debug this, I created a sample app that consistently categorizes all incoming messages as "junk." However, the filtering behaviour is inconsistent and not functioning as expected.
Here are the key issues observed during testing on iOS versions 18.2.1 and 18.3:
Inconsistent Filtering Behavior:
When a message is received from an unknown number, it sometimes gets moved to the Junk folder momentarily but is then immediately moved back to the main Messages inbox.
In some cases, the message does not get moved to the Junk folder at all, despite the app returning the verdict as "junk."
Duplicate Contact Tiles:
The Messages app displays two separate conversation tiles for the same mobile number, which is unexpected behavior.
I have attached both a sample app and a screen recording that clearly demonstrates the issue. The recording shows that the app categorizes messages as junk, yet they still end up in the main Messages inbox.
For reference, my carrier partner is T-Mobile. Please let me know if you need any additional information to investigate this issue further.
Looking forward to your insights and guidance.
Best regards,
Rijul Singhal
I am using the Call Range Blocker App (App URL: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/call-ranger-spam-call-blocker/id1154832936) to block unwanted calls, so my phone doesnāt ring. However, despite being blocked, these calls still appear as unanswered calls in the call history, which is very frustrating.
When users block a number, they expect to block all communication from that number, including call logs. When I contacted the app developer, I was informed that after iOS 18, blocked calls are still showing up as unanswered calls in the call history.
I kindly request that Appleās iOS development team look into this issue and address it in the next update. It is quite annoying to see blocked calls appear in the recent call history, and users would prefer not to have them show up at all.
Thank you
I'm implementing a Message Filter Extension and need clarification about the ILMessageFilterExtensionNetworkURL Info.plist key.
Is it valid to include query parameters in the URL like:
I want to make sure this approach will pass App Review before implementing it. The query parameter would be used to identify the client making the filtering request.
Has anyone successfully used URLs with query parameters in their approved Message Filter Extensions? Any insights would be appreciated.
If I run an app with a Message Filter Extension on iOS 18 then it works as expected, however if its installed onto a phone with iOS 17.6.1 then there is the following error:
dyld[1042]: Symbol not found: _$sSo40ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryResponseC14IdentityLookupE21promotionalSubActionsSaySo0abI6ActionVGvs
Referenced from: <C82A1045-98F4-3751-8080-413FD0B0DEEB> /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F295C156-9B20-4927-AEFA-C6983388B193/Myapp.app/PlugIns/MyMessageFilterExtension.appex/CequintTextFilterExtension.debug.dylib
Expected in: <29BFFA34-9B52-3D14-A254-A0653545B72E> /System/Library/Frameworks/IdentityLookup.framework/IdentityLookup
(App built using XCode 16.2).
Here's code causing the issue:
import IdentityLookup
final class MessageFilterExtension: ILMessageFilterExtension {}
extension MessageFilterExtension: ILMessageFilterQueryHandling, ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryHandling {
func handle(_ capabilitiesQueryRequest: ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryRequest, context: ILMessageFilterExtensionContext, completion: @escaping (ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryResponse) -> Void) {
let response = ILMessageFilterCapabilitiesQueryResponse()
response.transactionalSubActions = [.transactionalCarrier, .transactionalHealth, .transactionalPublicServices, .transactionalFinance, .transactionalWeather, .transactionalRewards, .transactionalOrders, .transactionalOthers, .transactionalReminders]
response.promotionalSubActions = [.promotionalOffers, .promotionalOthers, .promotionalCoupons]
Message filter sub actions were introduced in iOS 16, so why is this error occurring when the code is run on iOS 17, but its fine with iOS 18?
This isn't specific to my app, its easily reproducable in two minutes - create an app, add a message filter extension target, change the template code to add a transactional or promotional sub action and then run and it'll occur.
(Reported as issue FB16148083)
During development, before things eventually go live, if the associated server for a message filter extension has a self signed SSL then if/how can test iPhones be configured such that the OS will connect to the server when they are performing a message filter query request?
I have a question regarding specifying URLs for a Message Filter App Extension.
The documentation states āIf you have servers that can help your app extension determine how to handle a message, you must add the Associated Domains capability to your Xcode project and specify those domains.ā
The term servers and domains is specified in the plural, and adding two occurrences of ILMessageFilterExtensionNetworkURL to the info.plist doesnāt cause a build error.
So the first question is:
1.What is the behaviour of the OS when two instances of ILMessageFilterExtensionNetworkURL but specifying different urls is defined?
Does the OS, for example always try one url first, and if that doesnāt respond after N seconds, it attempts the second one?
Can the Message Filter Extension indicate which of multiple defined ILMessageFilterExtensionNetworkURL should be used at run time?
3.How does the OS behave if a URL specified for ILMessageFilterExtensionNetworkURL resolves to two VIPs? Will the OS retry if the first VIP is not accessible (similar to any typical browser or web application behavior).
Thank you