Hello, I need a little bit of help. My game keeps crashing on launch no matter what I do. I’ve tried running it in Xcode on my Mac, on my iPhone, and through TestFlight, but I get the same result every time.
I’ve tried everything I could find on the internet, and nothing worked. Asking here is my last resort because I’m completely stuck.
The game runs fine in Unity, but not so much in Xcode.
Can someone help me figure out what I’m doing wrong?Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the error log I found by connecting my iPhone to my Mac. To view the logs, I used the Console in the Devices and Simulators section of Xcode.
➤ SecKeyVerifySignature failed: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "rsa_pub_crypt failed"
[10:27:36.034791+0200] kernel
➤ Sandbox: [App] deny(1) sysctl-read kern.bootargs
[10:27:36.043389+0200] SpringBoard
➤ Live host view super view[(null)] not matching container view
➤ Frame not updated
[10:27:36.050473+0200] backboardd
➤ Cycle detected
[10:27:36.100799+0200] SpringBoard
➤ Live host view super view[(null)] not matching container view
[10:27:36.538361+0200] akd
➤ Error fetching keychain item - Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25300 "no matching items found"
[10:27:36.545734+0200] akd
➤ Failed to set last known MID with error (Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25300)
[10:27:36.603384+0200] rtcreportingd
➤ Gap in hierarchy:
[10:27:36.604536+0200] cloudd
➤ TCP input flags=[R.] state=LAST_ACK
[10:27:36.613317+0200] cloudd
➤ TCP input flags=[R] state=CLOSED
[10:27:36.648449+0200] kernel
➤ 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: [App] deny(1) sysctl-read kern.bootargs
[10:27:36.648484+0200] kernel
➤ Sandbox: [App] deny(1) file-test-existence /private/var/Managed Preferences/mobile/com.apple.CoreMotion.plist
[10:27:36.900275+0200] CommCenter
➤ Client is not entitled for request
[10:27:37.131555+0200] storekitd
➤ AMSURLSession: Session decoder failed. Error = Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code"
[10:27:37.131761+0200] storekitd
➤ AMSURLSession: Task completed with error = Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code"
[10:27:38.137847+0200] kernel
➤ System Policy: [Process] deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/mobile/Library/Biome/FlexibleStorage
[10:27:38.779536+0200] kernel
➤ Sandbox: [App] deny(2) file-test-existence /private/etc/localtime
[10:27:38.942342+0200] mobileassetd
➤ TCP input flags=[R] state=LAST_ACK
[10:27:38.963596+0200] kernel
➤ Sandbox: [App] deny(2) file-test-existence /bin/bash
[10:27:40.152019+0200] mobileassetd
➤ TCP input flags=[R] state=LAST_ACK
[10:27:40.280661+0200] assetsd
➤ Warning: cache_handle_memory_pressure invokedPreformatted text```