how to trigger sysdiagnose on iOS 11 beta 2

On older iOS versions, we could trigger a full sysdiagnose by pressing the VOL Up + Down + Power and sync with iTunes on Windows, however, this no longer works. How can I have people in the field trigger full sysdiagnose reports to sync with iTunes after?

iOS11 VOL Up + Down + Power

Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone sysdiagnose[407] <Notice>: request: sysdiagnose (stackshot only) keychord: Power + Volume Up
Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone ReportCrash[216] <Notice>: Stackshot requested by sysdiagnose, code: baaaaaad, reason: <private>
Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone sysdiagnose[407] <Notice>: Screen flash
Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone sysdiagnose[407] <Notice>: request: sysdiagnose (stackshot only) keychord: Power + Volume Up
Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone sysdiagnose[407] <Notice>: Screen flash
Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone sysdiagnose[407] <Notice>: sysdiagnose (stackshot only) complete
Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone ReportCrash[216] <Notice>: Stackshot requested by sysdiagnose, code: baaaaaad, reason: <private>
Jun 23 11:42:00 MyTestiPhone sysdiagnose[407] <Notice>: sysdiagnose (stackshot only) complete

That still works for me, I did it a few hours ago.

Have you downloaded the sysdiagnose profile and installed it, I had to re-install it when I installed beta 2

Have you found a solution? It's also not working for me even with the installed profile

It took me a few attempts (running beta 3) so maybe play around with which button you press first a bit.

It ended up working for me. I press the power button slightly before the volume buttons. Also I was unable to sync the sysdiagnose report using iTunes so I went to Settings > Privacy > Analytics > Analytis Data and scrolled down to find the sysdiagnose then shared it via email.


Tried it three times with beta 5 on a 7 Plus, always caused a forced restart only.

I do not seee a reference to a special profile for this nor can I locate a download.

Could you point the way?


I am using iPhone X IOR 11.2.1 and the vol + vol - and power button activate a shutdown screen and if I hold on to them then a 911 countdown starts.

No sysdiagnose has been created.

Wanted to report this also worked for me on an iPhone X with iOS 11.2.1, of note is that it's a very short button press, not a long press that triggers the power off, and it did take a few tries - each time it took a screenshot but eventually along with the screenshot I felt a vibration as well indicating it had triggered the sysdiagnose. After waiting a few minutes according to the instructions on the Bluetooth logging profile I had installed from here:

I was able to find a sysdiagnose log in Settings > Privacy > Analytics > Analytis Data by scrolling down. It looked blank but that's just becuse it was so large, at something like 197MB I had to use AirDrop to send it to my laptop. It's a tar.gz file that expands into quite a lot of files and folders, under logs I found the bluetooth log I was looking for in a pklg file that requires the packetlogger app to read (I think you get that if you have XCode installed).

VOL Up + Down + Power, succeed on iOS 14. for me, the key point is release.
  1. press VOL Up + Down + Power

  2. wait 1s or 1.5s

  3. release all buttons

then I feel the vibration, and after few minutes, go to the Settings > Privacy > Analytics > Analytis Data, there be a log with sysdiagnose and the corresponding date.
how to trigger sysdiagnose on iOS 11 beta 2