Why am I not getting deprecation warnings for UIAlertView?

I have an old iOS project that I'm updating.

It uses UIAlertView a lot, which was deprecated in iOS 9, but I'm not seeing any deprecation warnings when I build the app.

(I've seen warnings when updating other apps.)

This is concerning me. If I'm not seeing these warnings, what other warnings am I missing?

I've checked the build settings for the app and under "Apple LLVM 8.1 - Warnings - All languages" the setting for "Deprecated Functions" is set to "Yes" as it seems like it should be.

I've grepped my entire project for the words "deprecate" and "warning" and "pragma" and nothing's showing up that would suppress these warnings.

Does anybody have any advice for other things to check? Thanks in advance! (BTW, I'm using XCode 8.3.3 8E3004b.)

>I've checked the build settings for the app

Project or Target level?

How many targets in that app?

If your Deployment target is older than the version of iOS that the API was deprected in (so if your deployment targer is iOS 8.0 or lower), the compiler won't give you deprecation warnings for that API.

Is your Deployment target >= iOS 9.0?

Build the project. Check the top most bar where your target and device are in XCode. Next to Running...xxtarget..on xxdevice is shown a yellow triangle with !(explanation mark)https://i.stack.imgur.com/xI6TZ.png . Click on that to get deprecations.

Why am I not getting deprecation warnings for UIAlertView?