How to disable smart quotes on a uitextview?

iOS 11 adds smart quotes when typing. In macOS we can disable smart quotes on a NSTextView by setting:

textView.automaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled = NO;

Neither UITextField or UITextView seem to have this property or the

enabledTextCheckingTypes property. How can smart quotes be disabled on iOS 11?

Hi, I have multiple textView's in my app, so it is better way for me to disable smart quotes via appearance, but in leads to crash:

if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
        [[UITextField appearance] setSmartQuotesType:UITextSmartQuotesTypeNo];

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Please file a radar on UIKit with this log if you see this assertion. selectorString = setSmartQuotesType:, exercisedImplementations = { "setSmartQuotesType:" = ( ); }'

is anybody knows how to avoid this? Already sent bug report

Based on my tests and this SO post, it still happens if you copy/paste or set programmatically:

How to disable smart quotes on a uitextview?