App Store not downloading apps

Ok so I just downloaded iOS 11 beta 2 and now my App Store won’t download any apps.


In the end I had to buy and dowload the app I wanted in iTunes then load it on the phone the old fashioned way

Same, but fixed it. iPad Pro on beta 3 - been happening a few days now, just downloading new or manually instigating update. Apps from other devices automatically installed works.

Restart didn't fix it but reset all settings did - got it working again

"Update All" seems to work consistently

Happened to me several times. First time a reset all (a pain) fixed it. Found out now (for me at least). A hard power reset works - better as you don’t end up having to setup things.

I’m not able to open the App Store at all. It immediately crashes after opening. I’m running beta 3 on iPhone 7. I also reported this to Apple. Strangely enough - I can 3D App Store on Home Screen to Update All which does work. Still I think it’s a problem with the App Store itself, at least in my case. I also did a soft reset and restored all settings - both failed to correct the issue. Reported to Apple as well.