Animated stickers stopped animating in iOS 10.3.3

I created a Stickerpack which has stopped animating when I upgraded to iOS 10.3.3 from 10.3.2.

The majority of my animated stickers have stopped working.

Has anyone else experiencd this? I filed a bug with Apple last week, but have not heard back.

Answered by in 248276022

I'm seeing the same thing, across hundreds of packs. Everyone reading this needs to file a bug report soon...

I don't think its necessarily an APNG thing. Yes it might only be the APNG's that are failing, but there's got to be something code wise on the iMessage side thats preventing them from playing.

Plus its really random which ones aren't playing, yet I'm sure every developer used the same software / tools for each APNG in their pack.

File the bug report folks, or it won't get fixed and it'll cost us money because to customers it will just look like they aren't animated.

I am experiencing this as well 😟

Looks to be related to Animated PNG's

How so? Is working fine on 10.0 - 10.3.2

What specifically have you found with the PNG's?

Hello, I experienced the same bug with my sticker pack. I have found a workaround however: make the .apngs on your computer and use them to replace the current Sticker Sequences in Xcode. As a plus, since most of apng compression algorithms are much more efficient than iOS, you will have smaller stickers (or you'll be able to create stickers with smoother animations thanks to an increased number of frames).

I used this wonderful app to make them, but I experienced a few problems with after the latest OSX update (maybe the apng bug is affecting this app too). Anyway there always is this great site:

Accepted Answer

I'm seeing the same thing, across hundreds of packs. Everyone reading this needs to file a bug report soon...

I don't think its necessarily an APNG thing. Yes it might only be the APNG's that are failing, but there's got to be something code wise on the iMessage side thats preventing them from playing.

Plus its really random which ones aren't playing, yet I'm sure every developer used the same software / tools for each APNG in their pack.

File the bug report folks, or it won't get fixed and it'll cost us money because to customers it will just look like they aren't animated.

I talked to Developer Technical Support about this and they also recomened filing a bug, which leads me to beleive this isn't an issue with developing or PNGs or anything on the Xcode side.

Please file a bug if your animated stickers have stopped working in iOS 10.3.3

Catergory: iOS / Messaging

Title: Sticker Packs not animating in iOS 10.3.3

Please post your bug number so I can be sure the iMessage team sees the bug report.

Redoing dozens of packs in the store and hundreds or thousands of stickers is not a reasonable option. Something changed in 10.3.3 that needs to be fix.

Plus since you mentioned Sticker Sequences, I think you're assuming we're not already using APNG's . This bug seems to be specifically affecting APNG files.

Thanks, my bug number is 33566367

By the way, I realized the customer who emailed me today about this issue was using one of my packs that only included Sticker Sequences (an app made with the Sticker Pack template). So this problem isn't just related to APNG files.

About half my packs are simple Sticker Packs the other half are iMessage Extensions with APNG's.

My bug number is #33567045

Catergory: iOS / Messaging

Title: Sticker Packs not animating in iOS 10.3.3

Right. Let's not forget all stickers and animations were working fine until release 10.3.3

Could you attach your sticker pack, or a link to the app store?

Sure, this first one is a simple Sticker Pack app made from the Xcode template...

Every sticker (but one) is normally animated. I just checked it on iOS11 and about 10 of them are not animating.

This second one is an iMessage app, so its got some custom code and the stickers are all APNG files.

Come to think of it, the stickers are in a Collection View, and I coded it so MSStickers that are out of view will get stopAnimating called, and those in-view get startAnimating called. So as you scroll up and down, you'd think even if for some reason they weren't animating to begin with, the fact that startAnimating is called on them would get them going. But thats not happening.

You can even search the stickers which rebuilds the collection view to refine which stickers are shown, for example, "Happy", but even that won't fix it.

So it seems like if the app loads and the sticker isn't animating, it just won't be.

Sorry, I meant can you add that information to the bug report.

Gotcha! Will do.

No response from Apple on this bug yet.

Please file a bug about this issue if you are experiencing it.

I have the same problem with an unpublished iMessage Extension: APNGs work fine on my collegue iphone 10.0.0 while are static on my ipad pro after the update to 10.3.3.

I have reported the problem with bug report #33615796


I'm having the same issue! 😟

I have discovered one thing. When opening the APNGs on a mac in the previews app the ones working will show all the frames on the left and the ones not working will only show a pictures with no frames on the left. SO i guess it's not only an iOS issue. All APNGs work though if run them in the simulator. Does it have anything to do with compression?

I just submitted bug #33742706. My in-production animated sticker pack has only 3 of 28 stickers animating, all worked properly in 10.3.2.

Same here. Suddenly no animated gifs in Messages (iOS 10.3.3). Yesterday they were there; today gone. Reported bug: 33781115

Thank you.

iOS 11 Beta 5 looks to have fixed it!! =)

Hi, I have noticed that the not working stickers were the heaviest ones. The heaviest working well, that means with visible animation, was 94 Mb. The lightest not working was 120 Mb. So I optimized each png to have them all smaller than 100 Mb. I made a new build and uploaded it on testflight... Every png shows the animation now!!! The bug in Xcode remains, but this is a workaround.

This worked! I converted everything to APNG files as you suggested instead of using the Sticker Sequence in Xcode.

The animations are now running on iOS 10.3.3 and 11 beta.

I hope you mean kb instead of mb. Max sticker size is 500kb.

Having the same problem. I reported it as a bug as suggested but I have a feeling im going to have to do something myself to get it to work.

Animated stickers stopped animating in iOS 10.3.3