App stuck in review for a week+

Hi all... I have an update to an app that has been stuck "In Review" for nearly 7 days now. No feedback, nothing. Just waiting. I had just updated this app in early August and it got through the review process in less than 24 hours.

The app only has minor bug fixes in it.

Anyone else seeing long review times right now? Or am I alone in this?

Still the problem. The only known solution for me is create totally new bundle id and copy-paste all texts and screenshots and upload as new app.

Very frustrating to have this problem from Apple service.

3 weeks for me....

Seems exactly the issue I've got. Did you tried to contact the Apple team? I'm trying to contact them, but while that I will try to create a new Bundle id.

We submitted a super urgent fix to Apple to switch into Review but has not gotten any constructive feedback or ETA although we have pointed out to them it is critical. After multiple attempts we finally got an email back saying they are doing all they can to NOT CARE ABOUT my users. Really disappointed about how Apple is doing with EXPEDITED REVIEW! My last submission WITHOUT expedited review took less than 36 hours and this time had been 1 week ! UNACCEPTABLE

I am also facing the same issue.there is more than 7 to 8 days ,to upload an app,but still in waiting for review.

is i resubmmit the app on appstore?

I submit my app review since 22/01/2019 till now 29/01/2019 my app still in Review status.

I email them, but no reply.

Anybody know why quiet?

Are they on holiday?

Any updates?

I have the same issue 😟

Hi James, It’s exactly the same for me. I requested an expedited Review an told them its a critical fix. Now they are reviewing the app since about 5 days. A manager told me that they still have to do checks. It never took longer than 2 days before

I am having this same issue in 2020 ! Our app is stuck “In Review” for 7 days now.

waiting for review: 7 days

in review: 2 days

i don’t know how long it will take. I think new app submission experience screwed up all the review process :)

Waiting for review 8 days (new app). Resubmitted, but didn't help.

I've been in review & rejected for 3+ months now, since December 15th 2021.

We replied to their questions, but no feedback afterwards.

I have the same issue in 2022. Sounds like a poem, eh? The app has been "In Review" status since March 2, 2022. The app store support service did not much help. All you can get is what you are already known about: your app is "In Review". But, wait a minute... Please feel free to reply if you have any other questions!

Same here. My app is in TestFlight Review since Saturday.

my new app was rejected several times with feedback. I did all requested changes. After one more attempt app stuck "In Review" and nothing happens. Support response gives nothing useful: "The review for your app is still in progress and requires additional time. We'll provide further status updates as soon as we can, or we'll contact you if we require additional information."

App stuck in review for a week+