App stuck in review for a week+

Hi all... I have an update to an app that has been stuck "In Review" for nearly 7 days now. No feedback, nothing. Just waiting. I had just updated this app in early August and it got through the review process in less than 24 hours.

The app only has minor bug fixes in it.

Anyone else seeing long review times right now? Or am I alone in this?


Same here. My iOS app has been stuck "in review" for over two weeks now! Same app got reviewed for Mac app store in less than 24 hours...

Same here... in-review for more than 3 weeks now... 😕

Same here. Almost 7 days now. Still that status is "In Review".

The same as you all. So we can do nothing and just wait?

Any updates?

Mine is stuck now for 2 weeks.

Not sure what’s happening but my app is stuck in review for 2.5 months now!! I contacted Apple several times and the only response that I get is that: “At this time, there is no additional information to share regarding your app. It is still in review.” On the developer support portal it says: “On average, 50% of apps are reviewed in 24 hours and over 90% are reviewed in 48 hours.” My app update contais support for iOS 11 and iPhone X. I hope it gets released by the time the next iPhone is out!

Are you stuck in "waiting for review" or "in review"?

might be different situations.

We are stuck in "Waiting for Review" now for 7 days. Before we were stuck for 2 weeks in "In Review". We removed the binary, thought something went wrong and uploaded a new one. An Expedite Request was rejected. I think, I do not need to mention that contacting Apple didn´t lead to anything.

Same for me. Stuck in Waiting for review for 3 weeks now... Silent from Apple

My app version already 3 weeks in "Waiting for review" or "In review" status. What is happening??!!! I already found critical bugs, added new features and updated the version already 3 times. The version was rejected because of subtitle, I fixed it and submitted again. Then it was in "Waiting for review" for one week. During that time I found another critical bug and fixed with minor features and submitted. After that the app got "In review status" after some hours, but stayed for 2 weeks. Now I found some minor bugs, fixed and submitted the update. And still it is in "Waiting for review status". Does apple review team realize that the app version wasn't approved or declined for 3 weeks. What the **** is happening with the review team??!!!!! I wrote many times to support, asked expedited review, and still get the same response "we are working hard to process all submissions as quickly as possible". Really? It was written that 90% of the apps are reviewed during 1 business day. My each version takes ages to be reviewed!!!! What is happening? How do I suppose to do a business **** it??!!!

I pay $100 every year for what?? For the ****** service?!!! Then do a lifetime subscription like google play if you can't guarantee any terms. How to do a business with the service like this? Very disapionted!!!!!!

We are also facing the same issue. Our app is stuck in “In Review” status for over a week now. That is very unusual in our experience. Is anybody else experiencing the same “in review” relay recently?

Yup.. "In Review" for more than a week now. Not sure how to contact support and understand the reason for delay.

Almost the same thing here, but here it is our in-app purchase that has been in review for almost a month. Not really sure how to deal with this as I've asked many times what is happening, and even one reply said it was approved, despite the fact that it wasn't. The android version was approved ages ago.

App stuck in review for a week+