QR codes to access app


My company is looking to host an event where we can receive feedback from a collection of users who attend. We are looking at receiving some pointers on fine tuning bits and pieces before release so the app will only be available to iOS users as a BETA build through Testflight.

Since we do not really wish to manually add every person who may turn up with an iPhone/iPad manually to a list and have them redeem a code as many may not have great technological ability. And then there is the time wasting of people putting unlinked emails or worse no longer having access to the emails they need.

So we have begun thinking about other ways to provide access to testflight apps. Our thoughts are leaning towards QR codes as we can stick this near the door and ask any iOS users to download testflight and scan the code to provide an access token. Simple for users of all abilities.

Can anyone help me out with thoughts on providing access to multiple people quickly?

TestFlight is typically used to receive feedback on your app, not your event. This could mean you won't make it past review, so I'm not sure your model will work out.

Otherwise, Apple does not provide a distribution scheme that accommodates a 'collection of users' outside the store.

> thoughts on providing access to multiple people quickly?

I'd think a modern HTML5 website, where you'd enjoy both iOS & Android support out of the box w/no need to run a review gauntlet, would be a much easier solution in your example.

QR codes to access app